Trubus Bina Swadaya
Caring for and trying to help people as well as preserving and improving the environment is a noble calling for humanity. Trubus Bina Swadaya (TBS) business activities are a means of fulfilling this noble calling. Currently, TBS has five main pillars or program activities as follows.
Training, Facilitation, Research
The community empowerment support program is carried out through SHG empowerment in the aspect of microfinance development, agriculture, health, and environment.

Provision of Funds
Business Training
Partnerships and Networks
Microfinance support is implemented through Koperasi Bina Swadaya Nusantara (a cooperative established by Bina Swadaya to serve women micro entrepreurs) and micro-banking.
Knowledge Management and Publications
Media Information & Publishing
Event organizer
Marketing and Distribution
Media management/information services is done through publication of the Trubus agriculture magazine and book publications by Penebar Swadaya and Puspa Swara, both in hard printing and digital forms.

Agribusiness and Plants Shop
Plant Shop
Agribusiness Training
Agroedutainment & Culinary
Marketing of agriculture products and production tools is done by developing Trubus Shop.
Facilities and Services
Accommodation & Offices
Meeting room and Wedding Venue
Venues and other facilities for meeting,seminars, workshops are provided by developing Wisma Hijau facilities at Bina Swadaya’s training center.

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