Bina Swadaya
From Social Economic Movements to Social Entrepreneurship Foundation
Bina Swadaya is an institution concerned with community empowerment with a national service scope. Bina Swadaya has roots in the social-economic movements of Pancasila since 1950 to overcome poverty and increase the community’s self-reliance.
On its improvement, Bina Swadaya has been applying several organisational transformations to advance the program of social development and sustainable development in Indonesia. Bina Swadaya has transformed into a social entrepreneurship institute that consistently strives for its independence and performs specific programs to empower communities in various regions in Indonesia.
The Pancasila Socio-Economic Movement Era
Bina Swadaya fight for the condition of social-economic through actively participating in society by developing the community as a place for social improvement. For example, the future of farmer and fisher.
The Socio-Economic Development Institution Era
Bina Swadaya has transformed into a foundation that focuses on social-economic development. We approach social laboratory development and collaborate with the local or international government of community empowerment foundations.
1999 – Sekarang
The Social Entrepreneurship Era
Bina Swadaya has shifted as a social entrepreneurship foundation with various business activities that prioritise empowerment spirit and sustainable self-development.
To become a social entrepreneurship institution recoqnized
for its pioneership and excellence in community empowerment.
Encouraging and enhancing the empowerment of poor and marginalized communities in socio-economic aspects through facilitations: building capacities, developing institution, and getting access to resources.
Influencing development policies to take better empathy to marginalized and poor people.
Developing innovations for the benefit of marginalized and poor people.
Developing partnership with many different parties to upgrade the capacity public services.
Maintaining the self-reliance and sustainability of the institution.
Bina Swadaya Present and Serve the Community with Programs:
Gerakan Revitalisasi Desa
Social Humanitarian and Emergency Response
Berpengalaman menangani korban bencana dalam situasi darurat, baik secara mandiri maupun berkolaborasi dengan pihak lain menjadi latar belakang Bina Swadaya mengembangkan tanggap darurat bencana, mitigasi bencana, program-program pemberdayaan pascabencana.
Kewirausahaan Sosial
Bagi Bina Swadaya, kewirausahaan sosial menjadi solusi terhadap upaya pembangunan sosial yang mencakup aspek penanggulangan kemiskinan, pengadaan lapangan kerja yang produktif, dan integrasi sosial. Selain itu, menitikberatkan pada upaya pembangunan yang berkelanjutan di bidang finansial dan lingkungan hidup.
Bina Swadaya’s Service Map
Presently, Bina Swadaya Group serves numerous communities’ needs in Indonesia through the business units, with the main office widely spread throughout Indonesia.
Our Partner and Network
